
Pathfinders - Medieval Trebuchet Siege Engine Series in wood


Leonardo da Vinci - Trebuchet

A working re-creation inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's 15th century Trebuchet.

- Easy to make in about an hour or 2

-Natural untreated wood & plywood

- All pieces pre-cut and ready to go

-Parts are pegged for extra strength

-Hurl clay balls(included )

Model size Length 32 cm , height 62cm 

Pathfinders is dedicated to creating compelling, innovative, wooden science kits that challenge children of all ages to explore the link between science, design and technology in the world around us.

Pathfinders create quality wooden kits, which take some time to make, and improve the skills of kids, and provide a place for children and parents to spend time together in a common purpose. 

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